

 If you meet someone who has qualities you wish you had, by loving those qualities in that person, you are bringing those qualities to yourself. Too often when we see someone who's more talented and successful, there's a tendency to think, Why can't I do that? I want what they have. If we're not careful, before long we'll be trying to outperform them, outdress them, outdrive them, outwork them. The problem is that you're competing with someone who's not in your race. Your race is specifically for you. You're not in competition with anyone else. The only competition you have is with yourself to be the best that you can be. So quit comparing yourself to others and run your race. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Just be in your lane. Nobody can beat you at being you. You can be a better you than anybody in the world. When you're comfortable with who you are, you're not trying to be something that you're not, then y...


Every exit has an entry somewhere. Every end has a new beginning. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Smile and Stay healthy. Never lose hope. Life means possibilities. Although time seems to fly, it never travels faster than one day at a time. Take each day as it comes. People will throw stones at you. Don’t throw them back. Collect them all and build an empire. “Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it”. Never measure your progress using someone else’s ruler. It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. Never give someone the opportunity to waste your time twice. You need courage to climb a thorny palm tree to the top. Hope is the confusion of the desire for a thing with its probability. Every closed eye is not sleeping and every open eye is not seeing. You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ...


 When you run you will get there. When you walk you will also get there. The difference between the one running and the one walking is the difference in time to get to the same destination, but they will all get there. Do not rush, but do not relax, move at your unique but productive pace. Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. Not everyone is given the chance to grow old so appreciate and thank God for every single day in your life. Bring love wherever you go. Shine light wherever is dark. Leave blessings wherever you’ve been. Be kind wherever you are. You can live your life angry, bitter, mad at somebody or even guilty, not letting go of your own mistakes, but you won't receive the good things God has in store. You can’t hug yourself. You can’t cry on your own shoulder. Life is all about living for one another. So live with those who love you the most. In life, some...


 The sun sets in each day giving a bright light, so that we take a new day as a new might. Do things that we left unsaid, complete the tasks, which were left undone. The light is like an inspiration to make the day brighter than the hue. Get inspired each day as the day is indeed so new. Good morning is an action and not a word and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right. Walk in your abundance. Start with gratitude. Before you start your day, sit quietly and get in touch with your natural appreciation for life itself. Acknowledge the chance that life is offering you, and for the opportunity to reach your full potential. Express your gratitude for another beautiful day. Life is hard but God provides. Life is unpredictable but God guides. Life is unfair but God cares. Life is always a challenge but God sustains. Mornings are made by God to make us fall in love with life not just once but again and again. M...


 Most people in life go through different developmental phases. To remain on top of of your growth requires intentionality. A clear understanding of life helps you to succeed. When I was growing up one of the best pieces of advice that was given to me by my parents was to “be nice to people on the way up because you are sure to meet them on the way down.” Far too often I have seen in life that when people are doing well, making lots of money and they are on top of their game they quickly see their ego take control of them and sadly they can often treat people around them in a way which lacks respect. The ego can be blamed for a person behaving with a level of significance, self-importance and thinking that everyone else is not as good as they are or not as significant or important as they are. But who would you blame when the tables of fortune turn upside down? Still the ego? I hope today we too have been reminded of our shortcomings. Appreciate those who check up on you and make y...


 Sometimes we offer help to people who wouldn't do same for us in return if we were in there shoes. We make sacrifices for people who wouldn't think of making such sacrifices for us too. I have found myself doing things for people who denied me same favour when I needed it most. But that didn't stop me from being good and rendering help when they need it. It shouldn't stop you either. Don't stop doing the right thing just because they don't do same for you. A good act will always speak for you. It may not come through them, but it will definitely come through someone else. In life, obviously, people will offend you or hurt you. Just take a look at the many people who have offended you in the past days, weeks, months and years. The big question today is ” have you forgiven them?” It is very clear that only those who forgive are forgiven as what you give is what you would receive. If you want to be forgiven, just forgive others. Beloved, we are in a season of forg...


 Have you noticed that when we move homes or change location, we often go through a slow transition of loyalties to our new home or location? Do you know the feeling you have when two people you like have argued and you are not sure which person you should support? These are situations of divided loyalties. Sometimes, the most miserable people in the world are not the ones who have no room for God in their lives. Yes, such people may be unhappy and unfulfilled for not having God in their lives, however, there is probably no worse and miserable spot to be in than attempting to be both a follower of God and the world. This is how scripture describes such persons: “They worshiped the Lord, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought” “So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth” The old saying “You can watch a thief but not a liar” is so true. He who lives with a divid...